As you will know from my ‘It’s the Vinyl Countdown’ blog, I’ve become interested in listening to music during lockdown, especially vinyl (you might notice a slight nod to one of my favourite songs through this blog...).
However, the kids have stayed well and truly fixated on more modern technology. Much of this, for our son anyway, has been the games console (or should I say gaming consoles and PC!!). I dread to think what our electricity bill will look like. I think I need to invest in some sustainable home powering options to help save the planet. I'm sure it's achievable, with the weather through May, a wind turbine would have been perfect or with all the rain water we’ve had flowing down the road, the use of hydropower could have been possible to power this kit!!
I am not much of a games tech boffin but do know my way around many an old fashioned arcade game or games console but “I have seen the writing on the wall” so also happy with an iPad or iPhone equivalent. I remember Grandstand’s Astro Wars was my first true arcade style game back in the early 80’s. Into the 90’s I also absolutely loved the Megadrive, with Sonic in the leading role but ably supported by Streets of Rage, Road Rash and that strange mad Axe one! These were great fun games and at the time, hugely enjoyable.
As for the super graphics of today’s amazing gaming machines and consoles, it’s wasted on me. I saw my son playing F1 the other day and had to ask if was the real race! I should have known it wasn’t as he sat there, in his gaming chair, sawing at the steering wheel to make those final split second adjustments at high speed.
To me, there is only one winner to this console stuff. I remember when the kids were young and we got them a Wii. How awesome was this when it was released? I think it changed things massively and I don’t think those peaks have been hit since. Alright, alright - I know full immersion and virtual reality is smashing the old Wii off the planet but that reminds me of The Lawnmower Man movie of the early 90’s and becoming digital beings.... No thanks!!! “Wii don’t need no thought control...”
The Wii is the pinnacle for me. I have many great memories of us all charging around the room swinging our arms about playing Wii Sports tennis, baseball and golf.. The kids won’t listen to you though, you might mention how they should use the controller and how to use the nunchuck or simply the right way to hold the controller. They are more like “Wii don’t need no education”. On one occasion, not appropriately fitting the wrist strap, seeing one of the controllers fired across the sitting room during a forehand drive, like a missile. Just missing my head by a few millimetres the response is simply - “sorry Dad, slipped out of my hand”. Well, at least they were getting a sweat on, not like these days, sat in the race chair.
My favourite is definitely the ten pin bowling. This is brilliant. We all loved and still do love crashing through the ‘ends’ searching for the next Strike, Barney Rubble or even a Turkey! Everyone jumping around crazily when the big X shows on the scoreboard or STRIKE blasts out from the TV. As the kids grew up they became better and better at it so would eventually become the household champs. With age, they also become less ‘teary’ on any third or fourth place. In the early days, this would have been accompanied with a bout of tears. To the point when you have to occasionally ‘throw one down the gutter’ to prevent the inevitable mini tantrum - “I’m rubbish at this and hate it, can we play something else” an occasional response to bad performance on that ‘lane’.
When you’ve been to a proper bowling alley, have you ever seen those really serious ten pin bowlers? They wear those glove things - apparently for greater control, comfort and perspiration absorption. Hmm, maybe that would help for the tennis too!! The great thing about the Wii bowling is that you get to try and copy them, without the abuse from mates or them thinking you are taking the mickey!! All those wacky spins and twists of the wrist to work out the best action for a strike. The kids become great at this and never let on to the best technique. Don’t try and copy that slide and leg flick to the side those specialist use though...with coffee table and chairs to avoid this will only end in tears with a large gash down the front of the shin and holes in the socks!
When it comes to my final view on the super duper gaming of today - “No, I don’t think I need anything at all” - apart from the Wii!
For all those family evenings playing the Wii, a quick bit of advice to give the kids - “All in all it’s just another pin on the floor”.
Enjoy the June sunshine everyone.